This is a fun icebreaker during the Christmas holidays for all times of gatherings! You simply have everyone stand then you read off the following list of statements. If one applies then they sit down. For example, the leader of the activity would say, “Sit down if . . . You’re A Re-gifter.” All of theContinueContinue reading “SIT DOWN CHRISTMAS “


SUPPLIES Two large clear plastic serving bowls Egg Nog Goggles Small Candy Canes PLAYERS You will need at least two people to play this game. However, if you can involve more students, those watching will have even more reason to cheer them on! SET-UP Fill each bowl with egg nog and 8-10 candy canes. HOW TOContinueContinue reading “EGG NOB BOB”


SUPPLIES:  1-roll of wrapping paper per contestant, a box or item for them to wrap, scissors, and tape PLAYERS:  As many as you’d like! Christmas Wrap Off is a fun way to inject a little bit of the Christmas spirit into your time with students. This game is rather simple to play. At each wrapping station,ContinueContinue reading “CHRISTMAS WRAP-OFF”


People are always looking for was to distribute gifts at Christmas parties. LEFT RIGHT Christmas poems are the perfect way to make everyone laugh and give people a chance to get fun gifts. You place everyone in a circle and have them hold the white elephant gift that they brought or some goofy gifts that you haveContinueContinue reading “LEFT RIGHT CHRISTMAS”


For a great Christmas party activity, remix an oldie but Goodie, 12 Days of Christmas Jingle. Break your participants into groups and then give them the handout below. If you have four groups then you will give: GROUP 1 – Days 1-3 GROUP 2 – Days 4-6 GROUP 3 – Days 7-9 GROUP 4 – Days 10-12 Have a bag full of really weirdContinueContinue reading “12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS DRAMA”


One of the funniest Christmas events is to throw an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. Just pick any event that you are hosting and announce to the participants that they are to wear the ugliest Christmas Sweaters or Christmas apparel that they can find. Give prizes for the worst dressed. This event is a surefire wayContinueContinue reading “UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER PARTY”


One of the most exciting Christmas Party activities is Redneck Christmas Trees. Divide your party goers into small groups (5 or so). Each group will be given a roll of duct tape. Have each group select “a tree” – a participant to be decorated Group members will wrap loops of duct tape, adhesive side out, around theirContinueContinue reading “REDNECK CHRISTMAS TREE”