A few years ago, the Jr. Quizzing curriculum was based on the book of Proverbs. Our church had launched a quiz team, so we thought we would try to get Rose, then our four-year-old involved in quizzing. We were working on the first verse of the year when Rose said, “Dad, Dad, I got it!” I said, “Okay, let’s hear it!” Then, with complete confidence and authority, Rose quoted Proverbs 1:1, The PROBLEMS of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel.” 

I laughed so hard that it took a while for me to regain my composure. However, Rose is correct; when we survey his life, we see Solomon’s PROBLEMS. In this first verse, we see three elements that can work for or against us:

Proverbs 1:1 The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel.


The verse begins by stating, “The proverbs of Solomon.” Dictionary.reference.com defines a “proverb” as: A brief, memorable saying that expresses a truth or belief, such as “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” This could also be defined as his personality or the essence of who he was. Solomon’s first problem was that he based his life on his personality and charm instead of his relationship with God.

QUESTION: How can we ensure that we prioritize our relationship with God over relying solely on our personality or charm for success and fulfillment in life?


The second deceleration of this verse is that Solomon was the son of David. Solomon’s next problem was relying on his father’s commitment and dedication rather than building a connection to God Himself.

QUESTION: In what ways do we sometimes lean on the accomplishments or attributes of others, such as family lineage, instead of cultivating our own personal connection with God?


Lastly, Solomon held the prestigious position of King of Israel. While this may seem like an enviable status, it also presented its own set of challenges. As king, Solomon wielded immense power and authority, which could easily lead to pride and arrogance if not tempered with humility and wisdom from God.

QUESTION: How can we guard against the dangers of pride and arrogance that often accompany positions of authority or influence, and instead cultivate humility and wisdom through our relationship with God?


In essence, this opening verse of Proverbs sets the stage for the complexities of Solomon’s life, highlighting the pitfalls of relying solely on one’s personality, lineage, or position for success and fulfillment. It serves as a poignant reminder for us all to prioritize our relationship with God above all else, seeking His wisdom and guidance in every aspect of our lives.




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