B is for BUILD A RESERVOIR – A few years ago, I read a book by Michael Hyatt, Planning Forward, that structured our life into three large circles, then three circles within each circle. The circles are:

  • 1. The Circle Of Being: Spiritual, Personal, Health
  • 2. The Circle Of Relating: Marital, Parental, Social
  • 3. The Circle Of Doing: Job, Hobbies, Financial

I have begun reading according to these circles. I read three books in each category each year: Three books on spiritual growth, three books on personal growth, and three books on health consciousness, etc. This gives me a reading list of 27 books a year. I intentionally break up my reading into categories because I will easily read business, leadership, and marketing-type books. By pushing myself to read from many different categories, I have a deep well of information to pull from when creating new ideas or problem-solving old ones.

D is for DONE – Sheryl Sandberg, CEO of Facebook, stated, “Done is better than perfect!” I believe that perfection can create paralysis! Let us strive for our very best, but at some point, we must place a timer on our work and deliver! Completion is essential!

  • 1. It’s what we’ve always done
  • 2. Wait until the boss comes back and ask him.
  • 3. That’s not my department.
  • 4. I’m waiting for an okay.
  • 5. That’s his job–not mine.
  • Once you start a project, see it through to completion before starting another project.
  • Never handle things more than once: You pick up your mail, open your mail, sort your mail, take care of it right then, and never come back and handle it a second time.

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