Release the Flamingos! This is a very exciting fundraiser that I stole from Lindsay Smith, a former student in our ministry. She led this successfully for several years; YES, my house was flocked!

OBJECT: Move flamingos from house to house with a $20 (can change amount) donation from each house. 

FLAMINGOS: This can be purchased at or and takes about 1-2 weeks to arrive. We did a total of 70 flamingos; you choose your quantity. 

START: Choose someone/family in your church. As a group, take flamingos and place them in the front yard of their home. We did our flocking or “hit” during the day for safety. Leave the flyer taped to the front door once the “group” leader receives a text/call to collect the flamingos (as a group or as many that can help) and the $20. Ensure also to get the next victim’s name (the next house to be “hit”). Repeat. 

FLYER: Leave a flyer at each house (filled out with who “hit” their home) taped to the front door. For your safety, there is no nighttime flocking.

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